What do you want to create in 2020?

Sunrise 2020

Sunrise 2020

On New Year’s Day, I recorded a short, impromptu podcast. I did it on a whim from an idea that wafted through the air and landed, much like a feather, in my mind. I put on the headphones, turned on the soundboard, and shared the following story.

On New Year’s Eve, I scribbled my New Year’s intentions on small strips of paper and proceeded to a nearby resort in search of a fireplace. There I sat patiently waiting for the stroke of midnight, at which time I tossed the strips into the fire, declaring out loud, “This or something better!” Between the New Year’s celebration and the strips flaming up the chimney, my heart soared with hope and joy for a fresh start.

Apparently, I wasn’t the only one looking for a fresh start.

The next day I visited the resort again, this time to eat lunch before journeying home. The server, a young man in his 30’s, poured water and chatted lightly about the festivities the night before. I casually asked him what he did during the off-season.

“Oh,” he said, “I visit my mom in Maine. I’m really looking forward to seeing her.”

“That’s wonderful,” I replied.

He stared for a moment and then added, “She has cancer. Stage 4. I’m going to help her with things at home.” His eyes misted a bit, but he quickly whisked away the would-be tears and busied himself at another table.

Shortly after, he again stopped by my table and said, “I’m so sorry to have unloaded that on you. I didn’t mean to do that; it just slipped out. For some reason I trust you.”

I reassured him that it was no problem at all and that moms were special.

He smiled and replied, “Yes! She taught me everything I know. In fact, the last time I was home, we had the most delightful talk. I got to know her as a person, not just as a mom. She shared special memories from her life — ones I had never heard before. It was a fresh start for our relationship.” His eyes lit up, and he smiled again. “We created new memories, and I can’t wait to create some more!”

I finished my meal and walked toward the exit, but not before getting a big hug as he thanked me for listening. It was one of the best starts to my new year!

Since then, I’ve asked many people what they want to create in 2020 — this new space of lively potential. And I’ve heard many answers. Some want peace in their lives. Others want new relationships or jobs they can be happy doing. Or some, like the server, just want quality time with their moms. January is the time of new beginnings and fresh starts. We give ourselves permission to dream a little as we give our imaginations free rein to design a new future.

Take some time this month to think of what your heart desires, what would bring you joy, what would make you sing out loud. Write those intentions and desires onto little scraps of paper, find a fire, and throw them with abandon into the flames so the Universe can carry your dreams into the world. And like magic, those desires in their purest forms will start to manifest one by one in your life.

You truly are the architect of your own life. What do you want to create now?

I write more stories like this one every few weeks. If you’re interested, you can receive them by email when I publish them by signing up

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InspirationTami Hendrix