Welcome to SoulSpeak and Tami Hendrix

I offer spiritually-based intuitive guidance, messages, and clarity for people and animals going through life transitions and personal transformations.

📣10 Signs From Your Spirit Pet...Are You Missing Them?
👇👀 Do you feel your pet’s presence? Could that familiar sound be your pet reaching out?

NOTE: Post a picture of your Spirit Pet.🐶🐶🐕
🦋 Join Tami and the animals April 17rd at 9am PDT/12pm EDT to spot the signs to look for!
📣Would you like a mini reading from Tami? To send in your question orto participate as a special guest on the show,
Tami is taking applications for people to join her.
Please Clik the buttom below to APPLY.

Whether you are a pig, a dog, a human or have wings, a soul is a soul no matter what.

What is SoulSpeak?

SoulSpeak is a uniquely organic and conversational approach to healing that allows me to go underneath surface layers directly to the heart of an issue or situation. During the conversation with a client (human or animal), I employ intuitive listening and receive precognitive, intuitive, and soul-level information that directly relates to the situation and delivers a means for resolution, clarity, and positive change. I hold the energetic space to receive spiritual messages that foster my clients' healing and transformation.

Clients are able to make positive internal and external changes in their lives and in their relationships with their pets following just one session with me. A session leaves clients feeling grounded, clear-minded and with a renewed sense of purpose and wellbeing. I inspire clients to embrace new perspectives of life situations and connect with their own heart wisdom.