Waiting for that Lucky Break? You Were Born.

Yesterday I was reading a post by Susan Lander, author and psychic medium. The post is entitled: “My lunch with the Spirit of Robin Williams.” It is a fascinating account of Susan’s interview with Robin. In his communication with her, he shares insights about both living and dying. Lander has written a book called Conversations with History: Inspiration, Reflections and Advice from History-Makers and Celebrities on the Other Side. Robin wanted to join the spirits who came back to share what they’ve learned.

Robin refers to lessons he learned while on earth and highlights several areas.

It All Starts With the Heart

“People should listen to their hearts. Stay in your heart at all times; it’s mandatory. It’s always with you. Life is just a series of plays, and the heart is the beginning and the end of the act. You know what you want. Go with the feel of your heart.”

The Big Question

“The way I passed is irrelevant. I lived and I laughed and I cried a lot, too. I enjoyed my life and had fun. But I bought into an illusion, as people have been doing for centuries. Like the Parent Trap, I got caught up in “The Illusion Trap.” I got caught up in my story and so did the people around me — but that’s so often the case when you’re human. A pill doesn’t fix things — the heart does. Like Bounty — the Quicker Picker Upper.

Feel good about life. Say ‘I am blessed’ because you are. I had many wonderful years, so you can’t say my life was a suicide and that’s where I leave the conversation. I made people laugh. I loved the people in my life and had rich, full relationships with them. That was not a suicide. I left the earth, instead, with love.”

The Past and The Present

“You can’t stay stuck in history or you miss out. They’ll show you the World Trade Center collapsing over and over on replay until someone says, ‘no more.’ You have a choice. Appreciate the now moments. Smile. When you’re in your heart, you never need anyone to pacify it. It’s nice to get appreciation, but you won’t need it.

The point of history is — be yourself and don’t repeat. Create something new that nobody created before. Maybe you’re inspired by others, and that’s okay. But we’re all unique. If you play guitar, even if you play music by Jimi Hendrix, you’ll never play it exactly like him. And that’s a good thing.”

I think Robin would agree: we got our lucky break when we were born. We have a wonderful opportunity while we are here to create a life rich with color and meaning. What gift will you leave the world? Take note: Every moment counts.

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